Under the Smart Government project capacity building plan, representatives from ICT department of Mongolian government agencies including Cabinet Secretariat, Communications and Information Technology Authority, General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration, General Authority for Customs, and General Authority for Taxation paid a study visit of international best practices to utilize ICT in government to Estonia. Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia organized the study visit with the assistance of e-Governance Academy.
During the visit, Mongolian team had meeting with representatives from Estonian Government, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, State Information system Authority, Centre for Registers and Information systems, Certification Centre, Cybernetica AS, Tallin University of Technology Innovation Centre Mectory and had been introduced those of organizations.
Presentations and Lectures on Integration and architecture of government electronic information systems, National ID card and mID Estonian e-residency, e-government services, e-business register, e-file, e-notary, e-cabinet and e-consultations system that support the government decision making process, cyber security, e-healthcare, business process re-engineering gave supportive contribution for capacity building of Mongolian public servants.
Smart Government Project Implementation Unit